It’s flat out embarrassing how I left off on this topic, WAY too long ago. I have a love hate relationship with blogging. I love the way it can give people a platform that wouldn’t have had one otherwise. But I hate the fact that one could put something out there and never follow it up! Especially the occasional bloggers like myself. When posting about this topic the first go around HERE, I felt all along that I needed a follow up. And I jumped off the blog band wagon and left the topic open ended without ever mentioning my own congregation.
SO, this follow up is for my own church family. Because I happen to be a part of a body of believers that does in fact SING! They sing SO loud. And I am thankful to be part of such a beautiful picture of what it may be like one day in heaven. I think part of the reason we sing so well is because it’s in our church’s blood so to speak, our DNA. The church has a rich history of hymn singers who just sing well, and it’s contagious! But a huge part of it comes strait from the top. Our pastor George Robertson continually harps on the fact that it is important to sing! He says it over and over. Not only does he say it, he DOES it! You can watch him up front really and truly singing. This is a unique gift that he gives to his congregation and I am so thankful for the support that he gives to the music ministries at our church. Praise the Lord!
****Watch the video below if you want to get a taste and be encouraged skip ahead to 36:42 and here it for yourself (they really get into it in later verses)! NOTE: This service is pretty special to us because a rare opportunity where Mike and I got to lead worship in the morning service by ourselves, Mike was serving as interim music director at the time. Usually Mike does music for the evening service so this was a special sunday to remember. Of unique note is the song we sing at 31:42 this is a song we wrote from Psalm 130 that we just recently got to record, but more on that later.