Life has been humming along. Some of it quickly, some of it slowly. All of it BUSY. It’s been a while since we’ve blogged or updated so we wanted to give you an update on all things Musical and Murphy-ish. Consider this the Christmas letter that we never sent you, may it bring you joy, love and stress as you experience our life like we do. If it takes you two weeks to finish reading, that’s okay we’re apparently not in a hurry.

2017 started off with a lot of traveling. Good thing God provided a way for us to upgrade to a minivan! We got to lead worship at two conferences early on this year. One with kids in tow for MCO (Medical Campus Outreach) in Savannah. Another conference was sans children (thank goodness), to a little conference held mostly for pastors and youth staff called Crieff held in Flat Rock, NC. We also led worship for the missions conference at First Pres. here in Augusta, which included lots of fun new sounds. Allie got a chance to tour the Canadian side of Niagara Falls on a girls weekend, and then we all turned around on spring break for a family vacation and visited Lake Lure, NC with some close friends. As fun as that all was, we are home bound now through the summer which is helpful and much more restful.
Mike has continued to pursue and be diligent to his seminary classes as he takes Hebrew 2 and Systematic Theology 2 at the same time this semester. YIKES. He has also continued to bring his best to his job, developing new sounds and songs for Sunday evening and morning services. He has continued to develop our budding little gospel choir, adapt organ and guitar arrangements to spice up a few more modern songs into our Sunday morning services, and continues to bring out exciting new stuff like the hammered dulcimer on Easter Sunday. He also has met weekly with our recording engineer to produce our album during the mixing process. Mike Murphy just does not stop. Seriously. There is literally not enough of him to go around (if someone could figure out how to clone him please that would be awesome…k?).
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